  • Czech Republic
    • Prague
130 hours
Training Type

Program Details

Teaching Practicum
Job Placement
Weekly Classroom Hours
Apartment Hotel
Age Min.


Starting Price
Price Details
Book your course within 14 days of sending in your application and receive a $125 discount on any course of your choosing. Our flexible deposit allows you to change your course date if needed.
What's Included
Activities Airport Transfers Transportation Visa Wifi
What's Included (Extra)

Inclusion in our vibrant graduate community
A supportive staff of over 14 people
Lifetime job assistance
Parties/social events
Housing assistance
All course materials and textbooks
Airport car service
6 hrs of Czech lessons
Graduation gifts
And much more

What's Not Included
Accommodation Airfare Meals Travel Insurance
What's Not Included (Extra)

Housing and visa services are extra

Apr 04, 2024
Feb 27, 2023
52 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

The Language House TEFL comes highly recommended by graduates of their program and is the largest and most popular TEFL course in Prague. What separates The Language House TEFL from the majority of other 4-week TEFL/CELTA/Trinity courses worldwide is their focus on extra teaching practice and their stellar postgraduate community and services in Prague and abroad. TLH is not just a teacher training course, but a vibrant community of staff and graduates that help and support each other. Also, graduating from this program basically guarantees you a job in a top language school in the region.
Aside from expert teacher training, TLH assists with every single aspect of moving abroad (visas, housing, bank accounts...). This attention to their students is what makes them so popular.
The course is rewarding and fun, but be prepared for a rigorous educational experience. In four weeks, they will turn you into a confident teacher and help you find a teaching job anywhere in the world!

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • The most popular TEFL certification course in Prague
  • 30% more hands-on teaching practice than most courses worldwide
  • Our vibrant graduate community means that you will make dozens of friends during your course and while living in Prague
  • Amazing location in the historic center of Prague.
  • Lifetime job assistance with contacts worldwide (many graduates find jobs before the course ends

Popular Programs

Join our course

The Language House TEFL offers a wonderful Job and Guidance Package for teachers who are already TEFL certified and want to move to Prague. Moving to Prague and setting up a shop is hard on your own. This program helps with everything from your temporary housing and job search to the visa and making friends. Most importantly, participants get to sit in on two weeks of The Language House TEFL's course to brush up on their teaching skills. Highly recommended!

Blended TEFL courses in Prague

The Language House TEFL has teamed up with International TEFL Academy to offer a one-of-a-kind blended TEFL course. Sign up for International TEFL Academy's 11-week online course via The Language House TEFL and get the ability to do your teaching practicum with us in Prague. Get the benefits of having the leading providers in online and onsite training in the same course. This is a perfect option for those who want to get most of their training completed in advance.

Language House YLT Course

We offer a great YLT (Young Learners and Teens) certificate for those interested in teaching kids. There are so many jobs these days geared towards teaching children. This 12-hour course will give you specific training in the field of young learners, making you more employable for preschool teaching positions. The YLT course takes place on two Saturdays during our regular course. It is open to all Language House TEFL students and those who already have a TEFL certificate.

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Program Reviews

4.95 Rating
based on 76 reviews
  • 5 rating 94.74%
  • 4 rating 5.26%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Benefits 4.85
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 4.25
  • Facilities 4.75
  • Safety 4.85
  • Impact 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Value 5
  • Safety 5
  • Instruction 4.85
  • Support 4.9
  • Value 4.9
  • Academic Rigor 4.3
  • Job Assistance 4.75
Showing 41 - 48 of 76 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Living the fantasy thanks to The Language House

I signed up for the The Language House TEFL certification two weeks before it started (November 2016). I didn't know much about the program or about Prague, I just knew I wanted to get my certification. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life!

The group bonded really well through the many social events organized by The Language House. There were all kinds of people: from young students, to mid 20s adventurers, to mid-life career changers, to older adults looking for a change of pace. It was fascinating to meet and hang out with such a diverse group, and almost a year later, I still good friends with the people I met from The Language House.

The course was informative, useful, and most of all, fun. I definitely use the techniques I learned at The Language House with my current lessons: from lesson design, to ice-breakers and games, to how to teach complex grammar concepts. The course gave me the confidence to ace interviews after the course, and feel comfortable in front of my first real classes. I really appreciate the student-teaching aspect of the course. That was hugely valuable for gauging my teaching style for different levels.

Do not expect to breeze through this course without effort. It is a lot of work! I was up every night planning lessons, and spent my weekends studying grammar. Our class definitely lost students who were not willing to do the work required. If you are willing to work hard for 4 weeks, it is so worth it, but if you are looking for an excuse to be a tourist, just come to Prague as a tourist.

I was planning to return to the USA, but two weeks into the course I completely fell in love with Prague. I cancelled my return ticket and used the school's visa service to acquire my visa a work permit. I have been in Prague almost a year now and have had plenty of work and have enjoyed every minute of it. I am so grateful to The Language House for the experience.

43 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Your gateway to a life abroad

The Language House (TLH) is such an amazing program because it goes so far beyond simply getting TEFL-certified. I originally chose this specific program because I knew I wanted to live abroad but was absolutely terrified of the logistics of it all. The TLH staff made me feel so comfortable with getting over here, from airport pickup to student housing during the course to the in-house visa agency, Visa Guru. The staff always answered my constant barrage of messages timely and thoroughly, and their graduate profiles page connecting me to TLH grads was an important resource for me in the months leading up to the big move here.
Once I arrived in Prague, I found my "squad" here through the tight-knit TLH community, and I'm still constantly meeting new people. Monthly graduation parties and events like river rafting or biking 30km to a castle are ways they keep the community connected post-course.
As someone with a degree in Elementary Education and certified in teaching ESL in the States, I thought the course would be a breeze for me..... it was not. TLH prides themselves on not being a "TEFL-mill" or a blow-off course, so I won't lie - your month is challenging. You are required to put in a lot of hours and hard work. However, I left with so much confidence and felt ready to jump into teaching here. Teaching actual Czech students during the course was scary at first, but they are so eager to learn and let themselves be our student guinea pigs. I truly felt like the course was worth the money I spent, and my friends without education backgrounds felt the same.
I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to live abroad, and if you're wondering about Prague? Well, I'm not leaving anytime soon!

50 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Really solid course

This is a great course in a great environment. The staff really know their stuff and give super detailed feedback on your lessons so it provides an amazing opportunity to grow.

I taught English for a year back in 2006, and decided to study at The Language House to fill in the gaps in my knowledge. I'd been through training and had previous experience, but even then I found that there was a lot of methodology that I wasn't even aware of. In addition, the feedback from my trainers helped me realize where I needed improvement, so it was a great chance to pair theory with practice.

It was a great environment to study in, but please be aware that the course is very intensive. You'll need to work hard, put in a lot of hours, and be thorough in your assignments. If you're down for putting in the effort, this will be a great chance for you to get a solid foundation in teaching techniques.

57 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Decision!

I was looking for a career change, and my friend suggested teaching English. A quick Google search led me to this program, and I'm so glad it did!

My background is in Graphic Design and being an awesome barista, so I was nervous about doing something entirely different. TLH was no joke. It's an intense course, but from day 1 I knew that they were passionate about teaching us in a way that we would become great English teachers. The quality of this course is amazing! If you're anything like me with a non teaching background you end up doing things (lesson planning, teaching real students, knowing everything you could possibly know of English grammar, etc. ) you never thought possible.

You also gain an international family, and there is always someone who is there to help. This course goes beyond certifying teachers. They are passionate about what they do, and that is contagious. I'd recommend this course a hundred times over!

44 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Awesome Experience in Prague

The Language House is a fantastic program that provides tons of support for housing, visas, and making friends. I took the course in May of 2012 with zero expectations or plans for what I would do after the course ended. I was able to find a job and an apartment before my course was even over, and I ended up living in Prague for an amazing two years.

From my arrival to Prague to finishing the course, The Language House staff were always supportive and ready to answer any questions I had. The course itself is challenging and intense, but the demo lessons with real students and constructive feedback from the trainers were essential in building my confidence to teach on my own. As an added bonus, when I decided to try living in Korea, having an in-person TEFL boosted my salary level and helped me get a better job.

I'd highly recommend TLH and Prague to anyone who is thinking about living abroad.

57 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


I am currently getting a teaching degree at a university and haven't felt as challenged as I was expecting to feel. Every class I take I think: that could've been taught in a month or two. When I found out about The Language House I heard that the course was really difficult, but worth all of the time and effort to complete it. Throughout the entire course I couldn't help but wonder why courses in my university aren't taught similar to TLH course. We did more learning and teaching in one month at TLH than I had done in my first two years of pursuing my teaching degree. I thought this course was well paced, the instructors really knew their information, and we started teaching after gaining the knowledge that we needed. This course is what I had hoped my experience at my university would be like. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested.

What would you improve about this program?
I heard some people complain about not getting enough help or time to create lessons; however, I did not have an issue with this. Other people in the course can be just as helpful depending on what questions are being asked.
60 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program


The Language House TEFL might have been the best decision I've made. The course was intensive and thoroughly prepared me for a career in teaching English as a second language. The community and network is unmatched and you will certainly find work. I have been able to teach in Prague for over a year and half now and have opportunities to teach in many other countries that I will pursue in the near future. I have nothing but the highest regard for TLH and recommend it to anyone who is thinking of pursuing teaching English abroad.

58 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Program

At first, I was reluctant to sign up for an english teaching course abroad. My biggest fear was that I would pay a lot of money in terms of travel, accommodations and the course itself, only to be disappointed and stuck in a miserable program abroad for a month or, worse, get totally ripped off.

Based on the reviews I read online, and my research overall, The Language House seemed like the best option given my travel interests. And, it did not disappoint!!

For simplicity, here's a list of why I'd encourage anyone looking to teach abroad to sign up for The Language House:

1.) Logistics: If you are traveling from far away, The Language House makes it way less stressful to get settled. They provide airport pick up and great housing with other students. They also offer an orientation before the program starts so you can familiarize yourself with Prague. Additionally, they even help with the silly/unexpected stressful stuff-- For instance, my luggage got lost, and I was instructed to call the airport. I was a bit worried about the language barrier and getting my address right. So, instead, my housing host called the airport for me AND schlepped my luggage up to my room while I was in class. It was little things like this that made me sure I had chosen a great program. So much thoughtfulness and attention to detail.

2.) Location: Prague is an incredible city. It's beautiful and has a lot of history as well as sites to see. Night life is humming with activity and a myriad of choices: you can have a cold beer by the river, go beer garden hopping, hit up an absinthe bar or even a 5 story club with *themed* levels. The Language house site is also within walking distance and easily accessed by tram from student housing.

3.) Community: Not only will you have a whole community of peers during the program, but you will also have access to the whole TLH staff and alums. The alums even showed us around the city our first week of school, and continue to be an active component of the program. This sense of community is also very helpful when you're later looking for jobs and need advice or other info.

4.) Teaching and Learning: The course itself is definitely not a walk in the park. If you came to party in Prague first and foremost, then this program is probably not for you. Be prepared to dedicate a lot of time to studying and lesson planning. Keep in mind your daily schedule is something like this: 9:30-1pm (class), 1pm-5pm (lesson planning/free time), 5pm-8pm (teaching). I wouldn't recommend this program to someone who is not serious about learning how to teach english. But, on the flip side, if you are really trying to learn how to teach, you're going to get more than a strong foundation at TLH.

Overall, I really enjoyed this program and would highly recommend it to anyone interested in teaching English!

60 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hello! Yes, it is possible :) While it maybe slightly more difficult to find a job, there are definitely opportunities for you! The Language House is great about connecting their students with jobs around Prague.

I have been able to live comfortably and travel with my income.

Unfortunately, TEFL certification is not particularly useful in the States. Most schools and companies here don't seem to understand what it is. ESL companies here tend to look for DELTA certification or a teaching license with ESL credential for their teaching staff. However, skills that you acquire during this program (and teaching abroad) are very helpful in persuing teaching at home.

found it very easy to get a job in Prague after the TEFL at the Language House. I had three interviews the first week after the course and I got all three jobs. Most of my friends had a similar experience. Prague has so many language schools and they are usually hiring. This was in mid April. An even better time to look for jobs is in late August/early September, or in January when the terms start...