Multiple Locations +4
  • South Africa
    • Cape Town
  • Namibia
    • Windhoek
  • Malawi
  • Tanzania
    • Dar es Salaam
2 to 6 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Age Max
Small Group (1-15)


Price Details
Includes: 3 meals a day, accommodation, transport, orientation, 24 hr support and donation to the NPO
What's Included
Accommodation Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Activities Airfare Domestic Airfare Equipment SIM cards Travel Insurance Visa Wifi
Jan 25, 2022
Jan 05, 2023
84 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

SAVE Volunteering is a Non-Profit Organisation. We are NOT a booking agent: we run, manage and fund all of our Humanitarian and Wildlife Projects with the help of volunteers.
We believe in transparent and sustainable programs that impact our local community and wildlife.

The volunteer fees go towards, food, accommodation, transport, orientation and the rest of the money gets donated to the NPO for running costs such as stationary or meals for the children and meals for the Wildlife.

Join one of our amazing projects and leave with a life-changing experience!

Consider your impact: Volunteering abroad can be a rewarding experience for both volunteers and local communities, and at Go Overseas, we believe all volunteers should have the resources to make informed decisions about the type of volunteer project they want to partake in. However, despite best intentions, some organizations offering placements in orphanages may unknowingly place children in danger. You can read about the potential dangers of orphanage volunteering here.

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Program Highlights

  • Help us better the lives of the children on our Humanitarian projects and the Animals on our Wildlife project.
  • Educate children to better their future on our Humanitarian projects and build structures and homes for our animals on our Wildlife projects.
  • Form a relationship with our children and see the world through their eyes on our Humanitarian projects. Protect Africas Wildlife on our Wildlife projects.
  • Learn about conservation and Africa’s wild animals on our Wildlife projects. Learn about patience and hard work on our Humanitarian projects.
  • Have a close animal encounter with some of the human tolerant animals on our Wildlife projects. Spend time with children in need of your affection and attention on our Humanitarian projects.

Popular Programs

Sports with the youth

Children living in impoverished communities have a huge need for youth development projects which serve to teach them valuable life skills such as teamwork, structure, discipline and which uplifts their self-esteem through the realization of talent.

Volunteer with a child

The main objective is empowering the local community and supporting them with their basic needs. We regularly distribute food hampers to the underprivileged and clothes in the winter. We engage these communities in regular education, motivation, and social upliftment programs and exciting events such as fun at the beach, various sporting activities and movie outings that are hosted throughout the year.

At the preschool

Volunteers are placed in pre-schools in disadvantaged communities. No experience is necessary and volunteers can have the joy of watching a child learn and helping them through the process. You will be assigned to a class and will help the teacher in their daily tasks, be it teaching, marking or sports training. After school hours volunteers will be involved in after care or after school programs in the settlements.

Volunteers surfing with students

This project is a great way for volunteers to gain experience working with children and groups. Learning new outdoor activities such as swimming, boxing, spike ball surfing and skateboarding – volunteers receive lessons so they can help teach the children.

Volunteer attending to a sick baby

The Clinic is based in Epukiro provides free primary health care services to more than 3,500 patients every year – through both clinic-based healthcare and personal outreach around the region. More than 40% of the patients treated there are children and more than 90% are San Bushmen. A huge focus of the work at the Clinic is to tackle the tuberculosis burden within the San population. The clinic is quite literally a lifeline for thousands of San Bushman.


This Project allows volunteers to transfer a skill they have to the local communities. Communities you will work in have low education levels and English comprehension. SAVE is always in need of volunteers with special skills that they can transfer to our communities and allow them to become self-sufficient and productive members of society. Examples are first aid, family planning, childcare, dance classes, drama workshops, business management, computer literacy, woodwork and craftsmanship.

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Program Reviews

4.83 Rating
based on 116 reviews
  • 5 rating 87.93%
  • 4 rating 9.48%
  • 3 rating 0.86%
  • 2 rating 0.86%
  • 1 rating 0.86%
  • Impact 4.7
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 4.65
  • Value 4.8
  • Safety 4.75
Showing 57 - 64 of 116 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unique experience!

Working with kids that live under the most unimaginable circumstances have a way of opening up your eyes to what truly matters. I work on a school back in Denmark where my students have every opportunity in the world to succeed and be happy. Still I've never been met with such gratitude like I did at Zusakhe, the kids there had nothing yet they smiled at the world like they had everything. Materialism means nothing to them compared to love and affection.
A story i would like to share is about a very special little girl named Inam. She has the biggest heart I've ever met. I can't give an example of a special big gesture she did but I can honestly say I've never before met a kid that cared so much for the other kids. Every time we went to the bathroom she would let the other kids come first. She would always share her lunch snack with the entire class and whenever someone was cold she would offer her hoodie.
I really miss this girl. She was very quiet and still if she was missing for just one day, it affected the entire class.

What would you improve about this program?
I think everyone working for the program is doing a great job! Continue the hard work you're doing. It's very special and important.
51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Step by Step Progress

I was able to teach children in the age from five to six. When I came into the class I didn't knew what to expect. I mean they told us before that they might me underdeveloped but it's still something different to actually experience what they know and where they can improve.
In my time in Wings of Hope Educare, DuNoon we worked on the Alphabet, counting skills but I also started rituals in class like singing a morning song and brushing the theeth after Snack time.
So everyone has the possibility to Change something in the daily lifes of the children.
If it's just a little Thing for you it might be one of the changes that Change a Kids life so they will be able to finish High School in a few years.

50 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Overall the experience

It's way too hard to tell just one story, so just basicly the whole experince in SA was just amazing. I'm amazed how I felt so many feelings just in couple of weeks, just because of that I wosh I could've stayed longer! I just fell in love with the kids in Sunshine, they gave me so much. I think I've seen quite a lot in my job as in Fostercare in Finland, but I learnt so much from new coulture and so heartwarming thoughts from new people.
Things worked out well with Save, Saltycrax and everything was planned well and went well. The staff was helpful and made us feel welcomed. We had good times with other volunteers and I think I made some friends for lifetime!

49 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


Save is an organization that works with the heart. They work really for the kids to get it as good as possible, and if something resists, there is not much doubt that it will work out anyhow. Working for Save offers so much for the volunteers, one sees how much the staff work and will therefore help as much as you can by yourself. Save has helped so many children, and it's so nice to see that they actually make a change in their lives. There should have been many more organizations like Save, then the world would be a better place to live.

52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


My time with SAVE volunteering was amazing. The SAVE program deserves a lot of credit for their work, and especially for making all of us feeling included as volunteers. My project (Sunshine) has given me a lot of inspiration and overall it is a incredible good project. I enjoyed playing with the children everyday and watching them develop and grow in confidence and in English. I really miss seeing them every morning and singing lots of songs with them.

I felt really included and made lots of new friends from all around the world. It was fun to connect with them at dinner about stories of the children. The children were so cool. It was fun to be with the small children in the mornings and teach them english through play and crafts and then to be with the older children in the afternoons learning to surf and skate (sometimes the children taught me).

Over all an amazing experience - I would love to go back.

What would you improve about this program?
At my project the structure of a day could sometimes be better. But overall, an amazing program in total.
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experiment

It's so amazing how happy the kids are. The best thing was in the mornings when kids saw we were coming and they run to the gate and yell "teacher, teacher, teacher..." And the day when we put music on speaker and they love it so much! I will never forget those moments!

Capetown is also very beautiful city, i would recommend it everyone! And Saltycrax and Save people are so amazing and friendly! Everyone should go there and explore this amazing project with amazing people!

What would you improve about this program?
I think that kids needs more space in classroom. More directions and examples what to do with kids in classroom
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A change in perspective

Being a volunteer at SAVE in Cape Town was an amazing experince that has changed my perspective regarding my future. When I am done with my travels I was suppose to study English and be a teacher in my home country Denmark and there is nothing worng with that! But now I know that I want to help not just educate kids but teachers too. Being at SAVE and voulenteering in a township and teaching the kids made me evenmore aware of the need for education in all aspectecs of an educational system.
I was only there for 2 weeks but SAVE gave me both a great volunteer and social experience. Staying at Saltycrax made the whole experience that much better and I will recomend it to anyone who is thinking about voulenteering in South Africa!

What would you improve about this program?
My project could have been a bit more structured but I felt like the leaders did what they could under the circumstances
56 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing Experience

This was my first time ever doing anything like that, and I didn't expect it to be this incredible. Getting to know these kids was such a privilege; You always see pictures and hear things over the news about the poverty in those areas, but you never really grasp things until you see them with your own eyes. Moreover, you could never even begin to understand the amount of love these kids that live there have to give. These kids, who live in such underprivileged conditions, are the most inspiring people I've ever met. They don't care where you're from, who/what you are, they're gonna run hugging you the minute they see you. I'm never going to forget any of those special, unconditionally loving kids and I hope to see them again soon.
It's been such an overwhelming and humbling experience for me, and it wouldn't have been the same without the amazing people who stand behind this incredible organization. They're always available and are always there to listen to whatever it is you wish to share with them - they make it their goal to grand each and every volunteer the best experience they can get. They make sure the minute you get there that you think of them as family rather than just people you work for. They'll even have a drink (or probably a lot more) with you!
I've met so many incredible people from all around the world - both staff members and fellow volunteers - that have made this experience truly unforgettable. We have gone through so much together, and these are the type of true friendships that distance can't and won't break. We'll always be a part of each other's incredible stories.
Africa is a beautiful place to explore, and I would highly recommend turning your travel experience into one that will impact not only your own life, but many others', and volunteering with SAVE will be the way to do that.

55 people found this review helpful.

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