Multiple Locations +4
  • South Africa
    • Cape Town
  • Namibia
    • Windhoek
  • Malawi
  • Tanzania
    • Dar es Salaam
2 to 6 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Age Max
Small Group (1-15)


Price Details
Includes: 3 meals a day, accommodation, transport, orientation, 24 hr support and donation to the NPO
What's Included
Accommodation Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Activities Airfare Domestic Airfare Equipment SIM cards Travel Insurance Visa Wifi
Jan 25, 2022
Jan 05, 2023
84 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

SAVE Volunteering is a Non-Profit Organisation. We are NOT a booking agent: we run, manage and fund all of our Humanitarian and Wildlife Projects with the help of volunteers.
We believe in transparent and sustainable programs that impact our local community and wildlife.

The volunteer fees go towards, food, accommodation, transport, orientation and the rest of the money gets donated to the NPO for running costs such as stationary or meals for the children and meals for the Wildlife.

Join one of our amazing projects and leave with a life-changing experience!

Consider your impact: Volunteering abroad can be a rewarding experience for both volunteers and local communities, and at Go Overseas, we believe all volunteers should have the resources to make informed decisions about the type of volunteer project they want to partake in. However, despite best intentions, some organizations offering placements in orphanages may unknowingly place children in danger. You can read about the potential dangers of orphanage volunteering here.

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Program Highlights

  • Help us better the lives of the children on our Humanitarian projects and the Animals on our Wildlife project.
  • Educate children to better their future on our Humanitarian projects and build structures and homes for our animals on our Wildlife projects.
  • Form a relationship with our children and see the world through their eyes on our Humanitarian projects. Protect Africas Wildlife on our Wildlife projects.
  • Learn about conservation and Africa’s wild animals on our Wildlife projects. Learn about patience and hard work on our Humanitarian projects.
  • Have a close animal encounter with some of the human tolerant animals on our Wildlife projects. Spend time with children in need of your affection and attention on our Humanitarian projects.

Popular Programs

Sports with the youth

Children living in impoverished communities have a huge need for youth development projects which serve to teach them valuable life skills such as teamwork, structure, discipline and which uplifts their self-esteem through the realization of talent.

Volunteer with a child

The main objective is empowering the local community and supporting them with their basic needs. We regularly distribute food hampers to the underprivileged and clothes in the winter. We engage these communities in regular education, motivation, and social upliftment programs and exciting events such as fun at the beach, various sporting activities and movie outings that are hosted throughout the year.

At the preschool

Volunteers are placed in pre-schools in disadvantaged communities. No experience is necessary and volunteers can have the joy of watching a child learn and helping them through the process. You will be assigned to a class and will help the teacher in their daily tasks, be it teaching, marking or sports training. After school hours volunteers will be involved in after care or after school programs in the settlements.

Volunteers surfing with students

This project is a great way for volunteers to gain experience working with children and groups. Learning new outdoor activities such as swimming, boxing, spike ball surfing and skateboarding – volunteers receive lessons so they can help teach the children.

Volunteer attending to a sick baby

The Clinic is based in Epukiro provides free primary health care services to more than 3,500 patients every year – through both clinic-based healthcare and personal outreach around the region. More than 40% of the patients treated there are children and more than 90% are San Bushmen. A huge focus of the work at the Clinic is to tackle the tuberculosis burden within the San population. The clinic is quite literally a lifeline for thousands of San Bushman.


This Project allows volunteers to transfer a skill they have to the local communities. Communities you will work in have low education levels and English comprehension. SAVE is always in need of volunteers with special skills that they can transfer to our communities and allow them to become self-sufficient and productive members of society. Examples are first aid, family planning, childcare, dance classes, drama workshops, business management, computer literacy, woodwork and craftsmanship.

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Program Reviews

4.83 Rating
based on 116 reviews
  • 5 rating 87.93%
  • 4 rating 9.48%
  • 3 rating 0.86%
  • 2 rating 0.86%
  • 1 rating 0.86%
  • Impact 4.7
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 4.65
  • Value 4.8
  • Safety 4.75
Showing 65 - 72 of 116 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

My program was surf and adventure, and I worked at Babes Creche.

I had 7 amazing weeks with SAVE in Cape Town. All the lovely people i met along my way, including the staff, the other volunteers and the kids we worked with, all made my trip the very best.

My favorite part about the project was seeing how much SAVE helps the children and the community. And getting to know the kinds, and their stories. And seeing that despite horrible experiences in some of the childrens past or present, they were able to smile, laugh and dance. I feel that I learned so much about myself during the project. And I would like to come back one day.

What would you improve about this program?
If I could wish for something to be changed for future volunteers I would like us to have a little bit more influence on the activities at Babes. We were mostly just the teachers helpers. We spent a lot of time inside with the kids, and we strictly followed the Creches´ schedule. I would have liked us to do more freeplay outside, so we could bond better with the children. The principal at Babes were not very open for cooperation with the volunteers.

I would also wish for us to get a little bit more information before the project started, as well as during the project. I feel that I could have been a little bit more prepared for the settings and activities with the kids, if the situation was not that unclear.
51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unforgettable Experience

Volunteering with SAVE was an experience of a lifetime. Between the staff, volunteers and children at the sites the memories I made were unforgettable. All of the staff were welcoming and always helping to book adventures. Cape Town is beautiful and full of site seeing.

Working with the children at the creche everyday was more than rewarding. The children were so full of love and laughter it was hard to not fall in love with each and every one of them.

On my last day in Cape Town, I returned to the creche to deliver winter jackets, boots, socks and hats that the staff and volunteers had supplied for the children. The children and their mothers were so excited and happy to have a new set of winter clothes for the harsh cold months that were approaching. I will never forget the smiles and laughter of that day.


What would you improve about this program?
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Yes, I recommend this program

Step by step

I've been involved with SAVE since 2012 and keep coming back. I've seen the impact over years and it's amazing to be part of it. My favourite experience is of a blind girl with a mental disability. When we were there the first time she was just sitting in her wheelchair but it was on breaks. We learned her to use her wheelchair and she could ride on the playground. The next time we started to learn her to stand up and now every chance she gets she is standing near the bed. All by herself! Now it's about strenghtening her legs so she can learn to walk. That's what volunteering is about; making a difference, step by step!

What would you improve about this program?
A better schoolbuilding and more volunteers that have skills in working with disabled children.
58 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The real South African Volunteer Experience

Volunteering isn’t new to me. I’ve taught kids English in Peru, built schools, coached a disabled children's soccer team, and trained veteran service dogs in the States. So working with adults on a business skills development project in Cape Town for five weeks seemed like a great next feat. Well three months later, the only thing that got me to leave South Africa was the expiration date on my visa. Just like several of my fellow volunteers, I was hooked.

The reason is simple, SAVE is so much more than a South African Volunteer Experience.

Every individual arrives at a volunteer programme with entirely unique attitudes and expectations, not to mention diverse backgrounds, cultures, opinions and pasts. And so what you gain is far beyond just the inevitable perspective shift and humbling awareness you get from living and working in an impoverished area. It's about learning to live with these people from all over the world, learning to cook with them, converse with them, supporting those who are vulnerable, sharing your views and in turn, being accepting of theirs, all while making a tangible difference in peoples' lives together.

Every morning we got up for breakfast together, and when I say ‘together’, I mean the 30+ volunteers from all programmes, project leaders, staff, managers and even local kids—everyone around the table just enjoying each other’s company, laughing, and getting ready for another day of challenging yet incredibly rewarding work. After breakfast we all went to our respective projects; I worked on building a web site for the locals to sell their authentic handmade products on, while my friends set out to teach at the township preschool, or work with the kids in the local disabled educare centre, while others headed to the beach to give some surf lessons. At the end of the day we would come back together to relax by the pool and share stories from the day, or those who still had some energy would head into the city, hike Lion's Head or Table Mountain. SAVE fosters an environment with the perfect combination of 'work hard, play hard' while simultaneously emulating and instilling in every team member the fact that we all have a common core mission and ultimate purpose for being there: to make a difference. So quite simply, SAVE is so much more than a volunteer experience because it's also a family.

In addition to being a part of this family, we got to see and experience the beautiful country of South Africa. We were always encouraged to spend our weekends exploring, whether it be on a two day safari with the world’s highest bungee jump, a wine tour through the Western Cape’s beautiful vineyards, or a surf outing to Muisenberg. It's this holistic aspect to the experience that makes it great--and any person from any age group on any project they choose, is bound to return home with lifelong friends, feeling more confident, less stressed, well-traveled, truly purposeful, and sharply aware of the world we live in.

51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteering in South Africa

Hey my Name is Line and I have been working with children from a settlement not far from Cape Town for 2 months now, as their teacher.
These kids that I have had the pleasure of getting to know, have not had an easy start in life. Save Volunteering wants to change that buy giving them the opportunity to get a break from home, and an education, so that they can think have a better life thank the one they would otherwise be destined for.
Getting to know these children has been so much fun!! They are happy and want to be around you. They want to play with you but also Learn from you. They are amazing, all of them....
If you don't want to be a teacher all day,Save has a variety of programs that offer you alternate activities, like surfing and skateboarding, to do in the afternoon after project.
Save is a good choice if you want to be a volunteer! Hard work doing the day and being social with the others volunteer from around the work doing the evenings.

What would you improve about this program?
We don't always get picked up on time in the morgnings and the afternoons. I would like a more regular timing about when the bus would be around.
49 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Too Hard to Go Home

My 6 week contract quickly turned into 6 months in South Africa, including extending my stay with SAVE by 2.5 months. The SAVE team really creates a family with volunteers and makes you feel a part of something bigger. This was easily the most fun 6 months of my life, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Upon return, I even redirected my career path career path to be more in line with my experiences in South Africa. It was a truly magical time, and I have lifelong friends and memories to show for it.

53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best 5 months

I was very excited when I was coming here and after my trip I can say that it was the best 5 months that I ever had.
The program was really cool, the kids had always a lot of fun and the staff was also nice and friendly.
It was a good experience for me to learn something about myself and what I want to do after my study.
I met so many new people and I'm already miss them all.
Thank you SAVE for these 5 months!

What would you improve about this program?
The communication between the volunteers and the staff wasn't always so good. That would I change.
49 people found this review helpful.
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Kieran & Jo
Yes, I recommend this program

The absolute BEST experience

In December 2014 my husband and I joined the SAVE Team in Cape Town and it is without doubt the best decision we could have made.

We worked at both the Babes Creche in the Du Noon Township and at the Sunshine Educare School in the Skandaal Settlement in Cape Town, both built by the tremendous SAVE Organization.

During our time there I was proud to play a role in redecorating the Creche ahead of the new term, building a new Toilet Block, Putting up fences, working on the Vegetable Garden, the Adventure Surf Club (getting taught to Surf was an amazing bonus!) and most precious of all spending time with the fantastic children who live there and who will be a constant inspiration to me of how we can be happy even through the toughest of circumstances.

The whole experience of volunteering with SAVE was great, the staff are so passionate about what they do and go above and beyond to improve the lives of the communities they are working with, and they take such good care of their Volunteers, the accomodations great, the foods great and the social life - wow, I think i'm still a little bit hungover :)

We tell anyone thinking about volunteering that SAVE is the best choice, spending time there will change you forever in the best possible way and you will be sure to make friends for life.

52 people found this review helpful.

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