  • Italy
    • Florence
    • Naples
    • Venice
    • Pompeii
    • Rome
    • Siena
    • Verona
4 - 12 weeks
Merit-based funding, General grants/scholarships, Payment plans
Health & Safety

Program Details

City Exploring Sightseeing Wine Tasting
Academic Year Fall Spring Summer Winter Year Round
Apartment Host Family Hotel
Primary Language
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
Included in the fees: all accommodation, breakfast, tuition in small groups, all transport in Italy when concerned with teaching, all museum entrance fees, notes and reading lists.

Not included in the fees: flights, lunch and dinner, spending money, travel insurance, repatriation insurance and cancellation insurance.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Some Meals Tour Guide Transportation Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Some Meals Travel Insurance
Jan 31, 2024
Apr 18, 2024
207 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

This course travels through Italy four times a year, exploring all aspects of italian culture, such as history, music, politics, food, literature and philosophy – in addition to art and architecture. Alongside studying some of the greatest masterpieces of Western civilisation, young and passionate tutors will take students off the beaten track to unearth some of the secret wonders of Italy.

The course visits Venice, Verona, Florence, Siena, Naples and Rome as well as many places in between. For example, while in Siena the students will spend a day visiting San Gimignano a town in the middle of Tuscan hills with original medieval towers, and while in Naples some time is spent exploring Pompeii and climbing Mount Vesuvius.

We will be spending at least 5 days in each city and up to 10 in some, to truly explore and understand a city, beyond the realms of usual tourism, leaving with an in depth knowledge of Italy that will remain with them for life.

Video and Photos

Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

AHA courses are open to all. We pride ourselves with creating a safe and inclusive environment where people from all backgrounds are able to enjoy a life changing travelling experience.

At AHA we know that culture leads to confidence, so every course has two aims: to discover and explore European culture and, in equal measure, the development of young people in a space where they feel secure and integrated.

Any form of discrimation is not accepted on AHA.

LGBTQIA+ Support

AHA courses are open to all. We pride ourselves with creating a safe and inclusive environment where people from all backgrounds are able to enjoy a life changing travelling experience.

At AHA we know that culture leads to confidence, so every course has two aims: to discover and explore European culture and, in equal measure, the development of young people in a space where they feel secure and integrated.

Further Italy and Europe in general are quite progressive with regards to LGBTQIA+ policy, lifestyle and any form of discrimation is not accepted on AHA.

Accessibility Support

AHA has a track record for taking students with varying kinds and levels of disabilities on courses, and we warmly encourage applications from all people.

Since our tutor to student ratio is very small (never more than 1 tutor to 9 students), AHA provides individual support shaped to the needs of each and every student, ensuring excellent care of young people. We therefore make provisions and organise an environment where people with disabilities can safely enjoy their travelling and make the most of their experience.



Our programs are geared toward environmental education understood in relation to wider themes of history, society and culture.

During our courses we always encourage critical thinking and we take the time to explore the impact that travelling has both at an individual and organisational level. We are also committed to maximising the net positive impact while minimising the carbon footprint of every program- Nick Ross, director of AHA, plants a tree for each flight that is being purchased to attend any of our programs to offset the carbon footprint of our courses.

Program Highlights

  • Enthusiastic and friendly experts for instructors
  • Private viewings to some of Italy's most extraordinary sites
  • Incredible off the beaten track visits to explore authentic Italy
  • Demonstrations and workshops in traditional crafts
  • A focus on the joy of creativity (it's in all of us!)

Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 71 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Housing 4.65
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 5
  • Value 5
  • Safety 4.95
  • Benefits 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Facilities 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 25 - 32 of 71 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

If you're considering this trip, do it.

Going on the six-week gap year trip with Art History Abroad was one of the best experiences of my life thus far. I went in with no prior knowledge of art or art history and left feeling like I was able to hold meaningful conversations about nearly any piece of art placed in front of me. The tutors are incredibly knowledgeable and all wonderful, engaging teachers. Besides being great teachers, they are also amazing people and will feel like friends by the end of the trip.
This trip will present you with some of the most incredible opportunities you can imagine. You see all of the artistic highlights like the David, The Birth of Venus, and more, which are just as remarkable as they are hyped up to be. Beyond that, AHA takes you to places that you would likely never think of on your own. One of my favorite days was a day trip from Naples to the island of Ischia, where we explored a stunning botanical garden and got to spend the afternoon relaxing on the beach and swimming in the Mediterranean. Yes, this trip is about art, but it will teach you about so much more. You will learn about people, food, Italian culture, and life. This trip absolutely changed me for the better as a person and made me feel so much more confident in my abilities as a student and as a young adult. I could try to encapsulate all of my favorite experiences in this review, but it would honestly end up reading like a novel. And besides, seeing these things in real life and learning from these amazing tutors firsthand is even better than hearing about it. The fun memories and friendships I've made from this trip will last me a lifetime.
If you are even remotely considering doing this trip, I recommend you do it. You will not regret it!!

44 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Art History Abroad

This trip still feels like a hazy dream. I am still trying to comprehend everything that happened. This trip was truly amazing. Our schedule was always jam packed with unique things to do. They took us to places I would never find by myself like Fiesole and the Brion Tomb, which quickly became my two favorite spots on the trip.

Fiesole is now one of my favorite memories. The crowded and long bus ride made it difficult to get up there, but once we were there it was all worth it. The view overlooked Florence, a sunset, and a rainbow. I brought my guitar, so I got to play a few songs for the group while looking at that view.

I feel like a new person after this trip. I'd say my confidence and inspiration have increased. I've made some incredible friends and memories on this trip.

42 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Best trip of my life! Would recommend to anyone.

I went on the Northern Italy summer trip with AHA this past summer, and it was without a doubt one of the best experiences I have had. I have always been interested in art, but was never able to take an Art History course at my school, but that did not at all limit my ability to participate in the program. The tutors are wonderful teachers and bring excitement to every piece of art, as well as each new city you explore. After going on this trip, I have a whole new view on art and the time periods we studied. Would absolutely go on this trip again!

56 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

2017 Gap Year Course

I had planned to do something like this for over two years and can safely say that my expectations were exceeded. I found that an unexpectedly large part of this was due to the tutors: what I found most admirable (aside from their extensive knowledge and engaging teaching methods) was their flexibility in giving students freedom to spend more time on pieces they particularly loved, while still maintaining a sense of structure and organisation. Their patience and encouragement of going outside the schedule was commendable, especially given that in comparison to other courses, AHA packs the most into the six week period. We covered a huge range of artists and topics, while also going into a considerable amount of depth.
Thank you all!!! :*****

57 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

10/10 would recommend!

The six weeks I spent in Italy with AHA were definitely some of the best of my gap year!

The tutors were all exceptional, so knowledgeable and enthousiastic making the course accessible but also fun when you got to relax with them in the evenings over a spritz.

It was amazing how much more you got to see by travelling Italy with aha, a personal highlight was the private tour of San Marco in Venice, a once in a lifetime opportunity which I never would have been able to do without the course.

If you're looking for a trip which is the perfect introduction to an incredibly rich and interesting subject but at the same time offers a fun and relaxed approach to exploring all aspects of Italian culture (food included of course) then I would really recommend AHA. The people I met on my course were some of the most lovely people and we will definitely be staying in touch.

All in all the perfect combination of learning and fun

40 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


It is without question that this trip has taught me extraordinary things: I have learnt about the history of Italy, of Ancient Rome and Pompeii, of medieval Tuscany, the Renaissance, Byzantium, the Napoleonic wars and even the fascist government of Mussolini before and during the Second World War. I have learnt about Classical, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Mannerist, Baroque, Modern, Postmodern, Supermodern art forms and ideologies. Of course we had our days off and would sometimes have a change from history of art; a Sienese cookery lesson one afternoon, a fascinating visit to a famous Venetian 18th century velvet factory, a deeply moving tour of the Jewish ghetto in Venice. However, all of these added to an incredible understanding of Italian culture and history.

It still seems unreal, too perfect to recollect. I went to Rome, Orvieto, Naples, Pompeii, Siena, Arezzo, Florence, Fiesole, Pisa, Verona, Vicenza, Castelfranco, Padua, and Venice. I know it sounds clichéd, but I saw Michelangelo’s David, I climbed Mount Vesuvius, I listened to an orchestra play Mozart in the Cattedrale di Siena, I heard monks sing evensong in the 11th century crypt of San Miniato, I watched the sunset over Verona, I saw rain fall through the oculus of the Pantheon, I ate some of the best pizzas on the planet, I made some incredible friends, and I saw the golden mosaics of Basilica di San Marco light up one by one like so many stars.

Jiddu Krishnamurti once said that there “is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.” And in my opinion, the greatest form of education is that which makes you feel alive, teaches you things you never knew, and inspires you to change the world: it is the movement from darkness to light. This trip is that movement, and so so much more.

53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


There are so many moments on AHA that made the experience unforgettable. I could talk about seeing Michelangelo's David in real life, or climbing Mount Vesuvius, or even savoring a slice of Naples pizza. But those are all things that you could find on a "Top 10 Things to Do In Italy" website article. The internet can't describe the close-knit bonds I made with the other students. People who, at first glance strangers, became like family within the first week. People who, being from different backgrounds, each had a unique perspective on everything we saw. You can travel to each city alone and see the same artwork, immerse yourself in the same culture, and follow the same itinerary to the dot. But nothing compares to that sense of enlightenment when someone else realizes a small nuance in the work that you would have never seen had you been by yourself. I gained so much on this trip. Yes, knowledge. Yes, leg muscles from all the walking. But most importantly, a newfound respect for the world and the people around me. There's no price on that.

What would you improve about this program?
There are so few things I disliked about AHA, but if I could improve upon one thing , it would be some of the hotel choices. At times, the comfort level or even the location relative to where most of our activity was to be were less than ideal. Other than that, the program was beyond my expectations!
51 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unforgettable Experience

I loved my six-week fall program in Italy with AHA and know that it thoroughly prepared me for University life. I learnt a lot about art, architecture, and history while developing valuable life skills along the way. I grew as a person and grasped how to live away from home, travel independently, responsibly have fun, and cooperate with my roommates. As a future architecture major, I appreciated how much I learnt from the course that I can transfer to my studies in 2017. My favorite city that we visited was Florence because we stayed in the heart of the city so it was easy to find activities to do on a night out with friends (plus the food there was amazing). Florence also had amazing art and architecture so the sessions in the city were extremely interesting. I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to learn about art history, develop valuable skills, make amazing friends, have fun, and expand their independence before University.

52 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi, thanks for stopping by! To get a feel for the experience you will have on this trip we recommend reading reviews! You can find a ton of helpful reviews and pictures at the bottom of this page to help you out: https://www.gooverseas.com/gap-year/italy/art-history-abroa….