  • Italy
    • Florence
    • Naples
    • Venice
    • Pompeii
    • Rome
    • Siena
    • Verona
4 - 12 weeks
Merit-based funding, General grants/scholarships, Payment plans
Health & Safety

Program Details

City Exploring Sightseeing Wine Tasting
Academic Year Fall Spring Summer Winter Year Round
Apartment Host Family Hotel
Primary Language
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
Included in the fees: all accommodation, breakfast, tuition in small groups, all transport in Italy when concerned with teaching, all museum entrance fees, notes and reading lists.

Not included in the fees: flights, lunch and dinner, spending money, travel insurance, repatriation insurance and cancellation insurance.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Some Meals Tour Guide Transportation Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Some Meals Travel Insurance
Jan 31, 2024
Apr 18, 2024
207 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

This course travels through Italy four times a year, exploring all aspects of italian culture, such as history, music, politics, food, literature and philosophy – in addition to art and architecture. Alongside studying some of the greatest masterpieces of Western civilisation, young and passionate tutors will take students off the beaten track to unearth some of the secret wonders of Italy.

The course visits Venice, Verona, Florence, Siena, Naples and Rome as well as many places in between. For example, while in Siena the students will spend a day visiting San Gimignano a town in the middle of Tuscan hills with original medieval towers, and while in Naples some time is spent exploring Pompeii and climbing Mount Vesuvius.

We will be spending at least 5 days in each city and up to 10 in some, to truly explore and understand a city, beyond the realms of usual tourism, leaving with an in depth knowledge of Italy that will remain with them for life.

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Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

AHA courses are open to all. We pride ourselves with creating a safe and inclusive environment where people from all backgrounds are able to enjoy a life changing travelling experience.

At AHA we know that culture leads to confidence, so every course has two aims: to discover and explore European culture and, in equal measure, the development of young people in a space where they feel secure and integrated.

Any form of discrimation is not accepted on AHA.

LGBTQIA+ Support

AHA courses are open to all. We pride ourselves with creating a safe and inclusive environment where people from all backgrounds are able to enjoy a life changing travelling experience.

At AHA we know that culture leads to confidence, so every course has two aims: to discover and explore European culture and, in equal measure, the development of young people in a space where they feel secure and integrated.

Further Italy and Europe in general are quite progressive with regards to LGBTQIA+ policy, lifestyle and any form of discrimation is not accepted on AHA.

Accessibility Support

AHA has a track record for taking students with varying kinds and levels of disabilities on courses, and we warmly encourage applications from all people.

Since our tutor to student ratio is very small (never more than 1 tutor to 9 students), AHA provides individual support shaped to the needs of each and every student, ensuring excellent care of young people. We therefore make provisions and organise an environment where people with disabilities can safely enjoy their travelling and make the most of their experience.



Our programs are geared toward environmental education understood in relation to wider themes of history, society and culture.

During our courses we always encourage critical thinking and we take the time to explore the impact that travelling has both at an individual and organisational level. We are also committed to maximising the net positive impact while minimising the carbon footprint of every program- Nick Ross, director of AHA, plants a tree for each flight that is being purchased to attend any of our programs to offset the carbon footprint of our courses.

Program Highlights

  • Enthusiastic and friendly experts for instructors
  • Private viewings to some of Italy's most extraordinary sites
  • Incredible off the beaten track visits to explore authentic Italy
  • Demonstrations and workshops in traditional crafts
  • A focus on the joy of creativity (it's in all of us!)

Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 71 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Housing 4.65
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 5
  • Value 5
  • Safety 4.95
  • Benefits 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Facilities 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 33 - 40 of 71 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

Loved it!

I adored everything about this trip! I took an art history class my last semester of high school and fell in love with the subject so I knew I wanted to do something related to it during my gap year and I found Art History Abroad. Before I went on the trip I was mostly worried because I knew I was one of two or three Americans in a group of mostly English students and English tutors, but once I met everybody and we spent time together it absolutely didn't make a difference and actually made it a lot more fun that we were from different places. Plus, now I have friends to visit in London! The tutors were super knowledgeable and since I wasn't doing the program for credit it was a great way to learn more about this subject I'm interested in without the stress or pressure of an actual classroom. Aside from our morning and afternoon sessions we were pretty much free to roam, which was one of my favorite parts of the setup of the program. With so much free time we really got a chance to get to know the cities and towns we were staying in, trying lots of restaurants, finding the best hidden spots, and meeting locals. As horribly cliché as it sounds, I truly made some friends and memories that will last me a lifetime. I would highly highly recommend this trip to anyone, and especially any Americans out there, it was such a great experience!

What would you improve about this program?
Accommodation at times was a bit squished because we would have four girls in one room with one bathroom, but for the most part all right.
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


I have never studied art history as a subject, however there was never a boring moment throughout my time in Italy. The tutors are passionate, thoughtful, knowledgeable, engaging and want nothing more than for you to learn!
I joined AHA for the 6 week course in January to February and I can honestly say I was amazed. If you have an interest in people, places, art, architecture, history, food, wine, travel, you will find this course fantastic.
I fell in love with every city we visited only to fall in love with the next when we moved on - it's remarkable how many places you may end up visiting that aren't on the schedule!
This experience with AHA was truly inspiring and will stay with me for a very long time.

What would you improve about this program?
I don't know, it was amazing
54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


AHA was an incredible 6 weeks with beyond memorable experiences and with friends I will hopefully have forever. The tutors are fun and interactive really bringing more life to a usual dull classroom where I had previously been learning history of art for the last two years. If anything I would recommend anyone to do it who has any tiny sliver of interest in adventure, travelling, art or just a fun thing to do on your gap year or any time in your life!

54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A month in Italia with AHA

Writing a review of any given month is a hard task. Writing a review of an entire month in Italy with Art History abroad is truly gargantuan. The sheer variety of activity from reading Dante in Verona, joining the victorious contrada for their triumphal banquet in Siena to learning how to be a Gondolier in Venice is extraordinary and it would be an easy task to write an extended piece about any of these events.
It was such a pleasure and a privelege to be so immersed in Italian culture lead by tutors whose passion both for Italy and the art we saw was so infectious that I believe anyone no matter how uninterested in art would have enjoyed themselves and profited greatly from the trip.
The organisation was thorough both on an overall level and day to day. Everything was pre booked and there was not a single moment in a month when there was any logistical hiccup, testament both to the tutors on the ground but also clearly a well oiled machine behind the scenes.
If I was pressed to pick a single "favourite" aspect I would have to pick the atmosphere and the camaraderie present in the group. By this I mean the manner in which we as students were encouraged to discuss culture in a way that we do not normally have time nor the inclination to do so. This took place at so many different points and in so many different ways, from being asked to read poetry on our night time gondola ride to simply being challenged in our own presuppositions and perspectives. It is a hard thing to articulate but rather than being teachers and taught we were simply a group revelling in our surroundings and challenging each others perspectives on what we were seeing. I feel priveleged to have been a part.

40 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An immeasurably valuable experience!

It is always difficult to convey what an AHA course entails exactly, and what every student will inevitably gain from the trip. Phrases like "study abroad" and "guided tour" simply do not do this magically all-encompassing, fulfilling adventure justice. The impeccable local knowledge of the tutors makes falling into any "tourist traps" highly unlikely. For example, I remember thinking how authentically Italian our experience was when we were welcomed to a big celebratory supper in the street with members of this year's winning Contrada of the Palio in Siena. Learning to row gondolas, paper marbling, wine tasting and going to the opera in the Verona Arena are just a mere handful of examples of the experiences outside of Art History that made my four weeks in Italy with AHA so priceless and unforgettably special.
It was a real privilege to examine all art and architecture in situ. This, combined with such rigorous expertise and infectious enthusiasm of the tutors meant that each day was revelatory and enriching in some way, and the act of learning felt effortless.
Joining a course with AHA is immeasurably valuable and I cannot recommend it enough!

42 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A fascinating cultural experience where one is properly immersed in all things Italian.

In a heavy rain storm one afternoon in Rome we were rushing back to the hotel and passed the Pantheon, and so decided to take shelter in it. Seeing the rain streaming through the oculus really brought home why geniuses like Brunelleschi were so fascinated with such ambitious Roman engineering. It's original function as something dedicated to 'all Gods' also was evident as it's very much at the mercy of the elements, and this classical harmony seemed almost reverential to the power of Mother Nature and the Gods.

What would you improve about this program?
Maybe be given some reading about some of the things you're seeing to focus you?
45 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

AHA 6 week course

Before starting the course I had never studied art history formally, and I wasn't really sure what to expect from it. I needn't have worried, however, as the tutors were extremely supportive and their passion and enthusiasm allowed my love of art history to grow throughout the course.

The course was a great way of meeting new people and learning about Italian culture. In the evenings, the meals together were a good way of getting to know the other people on the course and they were also just really good fun. The tutors knew of local places off the beaten track with amazing food.

I thoroughly enjoyed the weeks I spent in Italy and would wholeheartedly recommend AHA to anyone with an interest in art history.

41 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best 6 weeks ever!

I had the most amazing time on the AHA course and would recommend it anyone even if they have never done History of Art before. I hadn't done History of Art before and it wasn't a problem as the tutors are very good at explaining everything as well as keeping it interesting with games and their general enthusiasm bouncing between paintings and sculpture starts to resemble some kind of dance!

Spending 6 weeks with 15 other people also means you get to know them well and hopefully make life long friends ships. The evenings spent in bars and restaurants are great fun and an easy way to break the ice when you don't know anyone else.

Some special moments were the Scrovegni Chapel, a private tour of St. Marks, visiting the underground Etruscan tunnels and visiting a textile factory in Venice. I can't think of a better way to spend 6 weeks.

42 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi, thanks for stopping by! To get a feel for the experience you will have on this trip we recommend reading reviews! You can find a ton of helpful reviews and pictures at the bottom of this page to help you out: https://www.gooverseas.com/gap-year/italy/art-history-abroa….