  • United States of America
4 - 12 weeks
Program Tags
Arts College Credit Conservation Hands-On Learning Post-High School Wilderness Yoga Retreats
Need-based funding, 529 Plan eligibility, BIPOC funding
Health & Safety

Program Details

Boating Canoeing Cross-Country Skiing Farming Hiking Kayaking Snowshoeing Swimming Yoga
Fall Spring
Primary Language
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
Fall Semester Total Program Cost: $14,300 | Spring Semester Total Program Cost $11,700

Cost includes everything: tuition for 8-10 credits, room & board, all fees, outdoor gear, books, journals, unlimited tea and marshmallows.

Scholarships available (need-based & equity-based). Please inquire.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Equipment Meals Park Fees Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Domestic Airfare Airport Transfers Travel Insurance
Jan 26, 2023
Dec 31, 2023
17 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Three-Time Winner of Award for Best Overall Gap Year Provider by GoOverseas (2020, 2022, 2023)! Apply now for Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 semester programs.

Step away from the confusions of everyday life and make yourself at home on a 60-acre homestead peninsula in the coastal woodlands of Maine. This immersive, experiential program allows you to live in intentional community with a cohort of 20 fellow students who like you are setting aside a season to explore the good life. The program engages the whole person: body, mind and soul. You’ll partake of experiences in nature, learn to forage & garden & cook, read inspired texts (one at a time), live into the big questions, practice mindfulness, connect to creativity and cultivate friendships based on the deeper things. Along the way you’ll complete 3 college courses (one at a time) for 8-10 credits with award-winning professors who embody the spirit of experiential learning.

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Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

At Seguinland Institute, we are intentional about creating positive and respectful educational opportunities within a growth-oriented environment. As a student, you can expect an inclusive learning environment that is free from discrimination or favoritism. You are entitled to freedom from physical or verbal harassment of any shape or form. We agree with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's idea of "the danger of the single story." We thus create a multi-perspective, multi-narrative approach to all discussions.

LGBTQIA+ Support

At Seguinland Institute, we are intentional about creating positive and respectful educational opportunities within a growth-oriented environment. As a student, you can expect an inclusive learning environment that is free from discrimination or favoritism. You are entitled to freedom from physical or verbal harassment of any shape or form. We agree with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's idea of "the danger of the single story." We thus create a multi-perspective, multi-narrative approach to all discussions.

Program Highlights

  • Inhabit the Coast of Maine: Live in riverside cottages, canoe the river, hike the preserves, beach comb by the open ocean, boat trip to islands, lighthouses, bald eagles & seals, multi-day trip to Acadia Nat'l Park, sunrise from Cadillac Mt.
  • Rediscover the joy of learning. Explore ideas to live by. Connect to Creativity | 3 College Courses: “THE GOOD LIFE COURSE” (Philosophy), Philip Francis PhD, “GOOD LIFE FOR ALL" (English), Seguinland Faculty, "THE CREATIVE LIFE" (ART), Marsha Dunn, MSW
  • Cultivate Mindfulness: Built-in daily practices for calming and focusing the mind and knitting together your attention span. Also, “Tree Dwellers Retreat”: stay a night in a luxury treehouse w/ wood-fired cedar hot tub. Also: Scandinavian-style sauna!
  • Good Life/Food Life: Eat good food here. Volunteer at an organic farm that gives its produce to people facing food insecurity. Work w/ expert local foragers to identify, harvest and cook a foraged feast. Feel nourished.
  • Create Intentional Community & build friendships based on deeper things. In a time of social fracture and crises of meaning and belonging, community building is crucial. Envision game nights, dance parties, bonfires, communal meals, star-gazing!

Program Reviews

4.98 Rating
based on 65 reviews
  • 5 rating 98.46%
  • 4 rating 1.54%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Housing 4.8
  • Support 5
  • Fun 4.95
  • Value 5
  • Safety 4.95
Showing 41 - 48 of 65 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

For me the door to the woods is the door to the temple

Like many city dwellers, days, weeks, months, and years all flew by in a blur. The shifting of the seasons was something I barely noticed. I often felt rushed and anxious. During my first ten day stay at Seguinland, there was a forced shift in my perspective. The assigned readings, homework questions, and group discussions required me to ground myself in the present and pay attention to my surroundings. I felt deep gratitude for my teachers and classmates and the insightful conversations we shared without cellphones or computers between us. I witnessed the beautiful natural landscape around me with all five senses and meditated for hours on end. I left the program feeling refreshed, motivated, and feeling in love with life. The course introduced me to a lot of the concepts and life philosophies that I am still deeply passionate about. Thanks, Seguinland! “Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished.Tell about it.” -Mary Oliver

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
A bald eagle perched on a pine tree across the river. Beautiful treehouses built by hand. A full moon rising followed by a meteor shower.
54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Good Life

The education I received at the Good Life Course goes deeper than understanding mindful concepts. It was a mind, body, and soul experience. My mind was enhanced by the readings of Braiding Sweetgrass and Consolations as well as the discussions that followed. My body was challenged to break out of its comfort zone and go ziplining, canoeing, hiking and to try yoga. My soul was revitalized from meditation, good conversation, solitude and friends. From this course I learned how to see beauty, and how to find balance. The course allowed for self-discovery and gave me the skills (my backpack) to start my post-college life. 

I find myself returning to the ideas of this course on a regular basis. When life is hectic and overwhelming I lean into the teachings of The Good Life. I will be forever thankful for the memories and teachings I gained at Seguinland Institute.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
I was nervous about ziplining at first. I was terrified of falling into the water. My friends, both old and new, encouraged me to try it and although my landings were always poor it was so much fun! I even have a zipline at my house now and every time I go on it I think of the wonderful people at The Good Life that encouraged me to face my fear.
70 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

From the stomping grounds of the city that never sleeps, my life had become overwhelmed with stress, daunting professional expectations, and a spiraling loss of direction. My return to nature and experiences with personal reflection helped me find purpose for my days. The Atlantic coasts of Georgetown, Maine and the energy that radiates from the Back River, lifted me into another perception of my own reality. The Good Life Course promotes spiritual growth from within, making the experience truly a one of a kind lifetime memory. My carvings from Maine will walk with me deep into my professional career here in NYC and I am forever thankful for the eye-opening lessons that only Prof. Francis and his genuine staff could provide. I will for sure return to Francisville and will be sure to bring others along to experience the life changing escape. Sending nothing but love to my family up in Georgetown! Bless!

"In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect." - Alice Walker

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Take the leap! Surrender, give in, escape, and let go. A return to nature can help remind us just how strong we are internally. Being in nature can help refresh our mental, clarifying what is most important in our one wild and precious lives!
67 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Good Life and Living Deliberately

The Good Life Course was one of the most profound experiences I have had in my life. I come from a very technical and science based background, but I throughly enjoyed our philosophical discussions on what constitutes a good life. The readings were also incredibly enlightening and there was no shortage of fun activities and great food! Georgetown is downright gorgeous and is the perfect place to be discussing and cultivating the philosophy of the good life. Leaving the course, you will no doubt feel refreshed, prepared, and invigorated to live your wild and precious life.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Have an open mind and take time to enjoy the beauty Maine has to offer!
71 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


The first year I had attended one of the Good Life programs, my experience with a variety of professionals, notably Zen-practitioner Justin Park, led me to discoveries regarding the relation of my body and mind. For example, rounded-breathing + relaxation in the eyes & shoulders has been massive in dissolving anxiety and instilling clarity. Another nice thing about this course is that there's not so much focus on degrees of excellence, or even the pass / fail dichotomy. Expectation is a present factor as with any earnestly-aspiring program, but the focus seems to lie more so on Self-Orientation than with seemingly external "what-factors". In other words, enjoy your learning... and never stop. A professor that is not only willing, but excited to learn with and from their students, is my kind of dude / gal . Philip, Meg, Justin, Marsha, Loren, and company are some cool cats / "pretty neat" , and I definitely found Nature more neat in working with them ;D

" Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. " - Seneca

What would you improve about this program?
I would make a point to continue refreshing the set & setting, so as to evolve one's sense of Self momentarily, and preemptively redirect any concerns of stagnancy. As I mentioned, the crew already does this ^ , which is part of why I want to emphasize as an essential point of focus in program processes
61 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Good Life

One of the things I really appreciated the first time around going on the trip is the amount of diversity the trip has to offer for everybody. There are a number of people living on the peninsula who have different expertise in so many different fields, which makes it good because there's something for everybody to fall in love with and someone to look up to. Francis has literature, religion and philosophy; Lawrence has poetry; Ruth has farming; his dad has construction; then there's Justin with mindful meditation; and Meg with writing and Yoga. Along the way he also brings in some very interesting special guest, different for everybody. Even if you talk to professor's kids you can learn a thing or two about wonder and awe!

What would you improve about this program?
More farming with Ruth and more alone time to think
66 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Good Life Course -- Ryan

This is class wonderfully integrates the outdoor experience of the coast of Maine with intellectually stimulating academic content. In the course, students learn of the importance of maintaining a relationship with nature, the Self, and other life-long learners. Intermingling with students from Manhattan College (I am from UMF) was a wonderful opportunity to speak with students with different life experiences than the majority of us, finding comfort in our commonalities and new interests in our differences. The course material has a focus on the natural environment that is rooted in Transcendentalist and Taoist philosophy which allows one to take a much-needed break from modern living.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Kayaking in the river! Paddling with the flow of the tide was a good demonstration of some of the philosophies we read during the course.
66 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Absolutely wonderful

I grew up in Maine so I am pretty used to being outdoors but the sites and adventures I got to experience here were once in a lifetime. The sites that we visited were all amazing. The little islands we went to were amazing. I have always been nervous of deep water but the people there made me feel safe and comfortable. For one of the first times in my life I was alright on the water. The morning yoga was very relaxing and much more enjoyable than I previously expected it to be. Overall I would say that this is an excellent opportunity for anyone.

What was your funniest moment?
There is a zip line here. It is not too long if one but me and a group of friends would go back and forth trying see who could the funnest tricks and just having a blast. One of the times we started playing pirate music and pretending to be pirates. It was a blast.
69 people found this review helpful.

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