I found out about the International TEFL academy from a friend who received his certificate and subsequently traveled and taught English in Thailand for a number of years. He related his experience to me about taking the course and how the organization made the transition in his words "exponentially simpler". He discussed with me that he may have been easily discouraged on traveling due to the complexity of the steps to take such as job search, if it weren't for the resources that ITA offers. With the desire to travel and an even bigger passion to teach burning in my heart, I took a chance and decided to sign up for the 170 hour online course. Now, I should mention that I have taken online courses before and I was, let's say, less than successful. However, with the online course that the ITA offers, I found the content to be not only useful and meaningful but also interesting, so much that I would even read ahead of the syllabus! The instructor was fair and also made sure to not only point out strengths but also areas for improvement in all returned assignments. I also like the discussion forum aspect of the course, it gave me an opportunity to share ideas about teaching with people from all over the world! Aside from the course, the resources, as mentioned earlier, is what sets ITA apart from the other TEFL/CELTA organizations. Life long assistance from the ITA's student affairs department is my favorite because I really do feel like the organization cares about it's students, rather than simply awarding the student a certificate and that it, you are on your own. Another great thing about the organization is that it utilizes social media, facebook in specific, to connect students with others that are alumni that are living or have lived in different countries. This kind of networking can not only be useful but also crucial for prospective students and students alike to make the right decision for themselves and make connections. Overall, I would recommend the ITA to anyone seeking to teach abroad. The courses offered provide relevant and practical information for anyone wanting to teaching in a foreign country so much that it can prepare anyone to be the ideal ambassador for their home country while abroad. 5/5 STARS!
What would you improve about this program?
No improvements other than perhaps making it more affordable so that more people can have the opportunity to be a part of it!
Response from International TEFL Academy
Hey Vanessa,
Can't thank you enough for taking the time to share your experience getting TEFL certified with ITA, start to finish! We really appreciate the feedback about your class and your professor. Also, glad that you've started to utilize our job search guidance and alumni networks! Wishing you the very, very best in your upcoming adventures! If you ever need anything just get in touch! - ITA