  • Australia
    • Canberra
Academic Year, Fall, Spring, Summer
Subject Areas
Accounting Advertising Architecture Arts Business Communications Computer Science Creative Writing Criminal Justice Design Economics Education Film Finance Food Science and Nutrition Global Studies Graphic Design Health Sciences Hospitality International Business International Relations Journalism Kinesiology Landscape Architecture Law Literature Marketing Medicine Natural Sciences Nursing Philosophy Political Science Psychology Public Relations Social Sciences Sociology Sports Science Tourism +28

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Degree Level
Apartment Host Family


Starting Price
Price Details
Tuition: AUD $8,500 per semester
Living expenses: AUD $9,000 per semester
Oct 21, 2018
Mar 05, 2017
35 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

The Study Abroad program at the University of Canberra (UC) allows you to study in Australia and receive credit for one to two semesters of your degree. Choose from over 3,000 classes! Contact us to find out more by clicking the GET STARTED button above or visit our website by clicking VISIT SITE.

Program Highlights:
1. Living on campus at the UC means living just footsteps away from the resident kangaroos.
2. UC offers hands on, practical learning, aiming for job-ready graduates.
3. UC is ranked in the top 4% of QS World University Rankings
4. UC’s semester dates line up with well with the Northern Hemisphere University calendar, meaning you can study abroad and have that summer job or internship you want without compromise.
5. Canberra’s low unemployment rate means a much better chance of landing a job than in most other Australian cities.
6. Full support through our Study Abroad Office, loads of trips and activities, plus guaranteed housing

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Program Reviews

4.67 Rating
based on 51 reviews
  • 5 rating 68.63%
  • 4 rating 29.41%
  • 3 rating 1.96%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4.1
  • Support 4.8
  • Fun 3.7
  • Housing 4.7
  • Safety 4.7
Showing 17 - 24 of 51 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unforgettable experience

From the applying process here in the end everything has been unforgettable. I got help in all stages and I feel that if I had something to ask I could do that easily.

Even though people complain about Canberra, I find it good place to study and also have fun. Canberra is not like Sydney but you can find heaps to do also here, if you just want to. At least my calendar has been full since the beginning! And there are lots of parties, if you are a party animal.

The exchange staff is very friendly and helpful. Other exchange students as well as Australians are nice people and like one big family here. Also teachers are nice and lenient towards us exchange students.

There are so many opportunities to explore Australia even from here: travel around and see the wildlife - even in your backyard!

What would you improve about this program?
UC's accommodation is not perfect - actually it's far from there. The apartments, especially University Village (UV) apartments are old, cold and dirty. And not just dirty like you could clean them. Lot of things are broken in apartments time to time: showers, toilets, taps, ovens… And usually it takes long time for University Village staff to do anything about it.
It's also cold in the apartments especially during the winter and beginning of the spring. It doesn't always help that you have a heater if it's working one our at the time. Luckily mine was broken and stayed on as long as I wanted it to stay.
And the housing is very expensive comparing to the level of it.
But at least university guaranteed housing for all of the students so I didn't need to worry about it.
45 people found this review helpful.
Response from University of Canberra

Hi Bora,

Thank you for your review and sharing your experience here at the University of Canberra. It is great to hear that the people you met and university staff were friendly and welcoming. You are spot on that Canberra is the perfect platform for basing your travels in Australia with close proximity to both nature and our large urban centres.

We welcome your negative feedback regarding housing. The Study Abroad and Exchange Office aims to provide students with the best experience while living in Canberra and unfortunately this is one aspect of the program which we have limited control over. As the majority of housing on campus is privately operated, the exchange office is unable to determine costs, payments and the general operation of these living options. Despite this, we continue to communicate all feedback regarding housing with each applicable residency. As seen in recent years, new and more affordable housing options are beginning to be offered on campus and this will hopefully continue as the university moves through its expansion.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Absolutely Amazing!!

This exchange program is one of the best experiences I've ever had! If you ever get the chance to do it, DEFINITELY take that chance! You will not regret it. So many wonderful memories will be made here! The people are great, the UC Staff is very helpful & they work hard to provide us with everything we need as exchange students. This program will let you explore and learn so much about yourself, about Australian culture & life, and it will definitely help you grow as a person. It's a once in a lifetime experience, and think of all the great stories you'll get to take back home with you as well :)

One thing I've learned is, people complain about how Canberra is boring, however, if you know where to find the fun, you won't have enough time in your schedule for everything. I know this because that's what my experience was like. My schedule is super packed with schoolwork, fun & exciting events, trips, and PARTIES! So don't let anyone tell you that you can't have fun here! I'm from New York, one of the most exciting city's in the world, and I'm telling you right now, if Canberra is anything, it's not boring.

What would you improve about this program?
More support for this program from the University. This program is great and I think that UC needs to fund it more! It isn't cheap trying to look out for and entertain such large groups of exchange students, I definitely think that the uni could do more for the exchange office to help them out with everything that goes into this program.
49 people found this review helpful.
Response from University of Canberra

Hi Dina,

Your review is fantastic and we greatly appreciate your feedback here in the Study Abroad and Exchange Office! Canberra is a fun, vibrant and youthful city and in no means should be compared to the likes of Sydney and Melbourne. We offer a unique Australian experience and pride ourselves on the friendliness of locals, beautiful seasonal weather, wildlife and the great annual calendar of events and festivals. Thank you for your support and we hope to make our program greater in future semesters.

Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program


Studying on exchange has profoundly changed the way I view and interact with different cultures. Australia is incredibly diverse and beautiful in both the natural and man-made landscapes. The program at UC is very good about making you feel welcome and cared for. Academically, classes vary in difficulty, but nothing is un-manageable. The short weekends and day-trips were great opportunities to explore more of the country. I've made some of my closest friends here, whom I know will remain close after we leave. Experiences like these, where you're taken completely out of your comfort zone, make it easier to be real with yourself and others. I would recommend this type of experience to anyone. But beware, you will likely catch the travel bug and crave more adventure!

What would you improve about this program?
No more UC Village. It is dirty and not worth the money to live here. Ewwie.
53 people found this review helpful.
Response from University of Canberra

Hi Carly,

It is great to hear that you took so much away from our exchange program and learned more about yourself! Your feedback is greatly appreciated here in the exchange office and we enjoy hearing about experience.

We welcome your negative feedback regarding housing. The Study Abroad and Exchange Office aims to provide students with the best experience while living in Canberra and unfortunately this is one aspect of the program which we have limited control over. As the majority of housing on campus is privately operated, the exchange office is unable to determine costs, payments and the general operation of these living options. Despite this, we continue to communicate all feedback regarding housing with each applicable residency. As seen in recent years, new and more affordable housing options are beginning to be offered on campus and this will hopefully continue as the university moves through its expansion.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Stydu and party hard!

UC is not a large university, but there is tons of activities provided. UC staff are really friendly and they provided all kinds of support to students. In ressies there is always something happening, partying, hanging out or watching movies.

What would you improve about this program?
Living in Canberra is really expensive and city itself is quite boring.
47 people found this review helpful.
Response from University of Canberra

Hi MK,

The University of Canberra is a smaller University which is both growing and improving. Being small, we are able to work closer with students to provide the best experience while here on exchange. The cost of living in Australia is expensive for students and reflects the growing economy of many of its cities. To make your experience more affordable the exchange office works towards offering exciting and affordable trips, activities and options for students to take advantage of during their time with us in Canberra.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Supportive Exchange Program

Overall, the exchange program was excellent. It was a great way to meet other exchange students and some of my closest relationships are with other exchange students.

What would you improve about this program?
More information about the University prior to getting here.
51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

UC Exchange

Best exchange program I have heard of. Very helpful and organised. Loved the events planned because it gave us the opportunity to grow closer. I feel like this experience was definitely a great decision and I have seriously gained a second family. And I absolutely loved having the exchange ambassadors to help us out and hang out with.

What would you improve about this program?
Cleaner living facilities.
52 people found this review helpful.
Response from University of Canberra

Hi Myriah,

Thank you for your positive feedback of our exchange program here at UC and we are glad to hear that our program us one of the best in your opinion! The events planned through the office are aimed at providing students with the opportunity to explore what Canberra has to offer and our surrounding areas, such as the surf trip and orientation trip to Sydney and the Blue Mountains. Our ambassadors do a great job and we enjoy giving your praise to them for their efforts.

We welcome your negative feedback regarding housing. The Study Abroad and Exchange Office aims to provide students with the best experience while living in Canberra and unfortunately this is one aspect of the program which we have limited control over. As the majority of housing on campus is privately operated, the exchange office is unable to determine costs, payments and the general operation of these living options. Despite this, we continue to communicate all feedback regarding housing with each applicable residency. As seen in recent years, new and more affordable housing options are beginning to be offered on campus and this will hopefully continue as the university moves through its expansion.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great social scene and school! But housing?? ehhh

I absolutely love it here! The school clubs AND the Exchange program both put on lots of events for us to do, and even take us on trips to Sydney and the beautiful blue mountains. Classes are tough, but if you study and show up to your tutorials you should have no problem. The only problem that would make me hesitate to come would be the housing conditions. Living in the cheapest housing UV with 11 other roommates it gets REALLY nasty..I encourage ya'll to live in GLOBO, fewer people,easier to keep up.

What would you improve about this program?
Maybe add a few more events for the exchange students to participate in near the end of the year
47 people found this review helpful.
Response from University of Canberra

Hi Lacey,

We enjoyed reading of your positive experience here in Canberra and about the trips on offer each semester to students. Classes can be challenging but if you ensure you have a great study and social balance it is very manageable. We want all of our students to succeed and make the most out of their time here in Canberra. If students are having issues with classes, we are more than happy to assist in the office to guide you in the direction or find resources to assist.

We welcome your negative feedback regarding housing. The Study Abroad and Exchange Office aims to provide students with the best experience while living in Canberra and unfortunately this is one aspect of the program which we have limited control over. As the majority of housing on campus is privately operated, the exchange office is unable to determine costs, payments and the general operation of these living options. Despite this, we continue to communicate all feedback regarding housing with each applicable residency. As seen in recent years, new and more affordable housing options are beginning to be offered on campus and this will hopefully continue as the university moves through its expansion. As you noted, for CLV residents, Globo (new apartments) offer a better living experience due to their age, cleanliness and location.

Regarding the offering of more activities, due to the size and resources of our office we try our best to ensure that exchange students are kept with a busy schedule and do so within these limitations. Throughout the semester we offer a wide range of activities which we encourage students to get involved in including a compulsory orientation week (packed with activities), orientation trip to Sydney and the Blue Mountains, surf camps, opportunities to travel to the Great Barrier Reef (offered recently) and many more social drinks and barbeque opportunities.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Awesome place...

I love Australia. I have met a lot of wonderful people. I also love the people here. The study abroad office was very helpful even before I got here. Answered all of my questions and even told me things I never thought about. The only thing I would change is living in the village. It's dirty and gross and overpriced. Live In globo if you have to live here. Other than that everything is good.

What would you improve about this program?
Like I said. International house is the worst house to live in. I would also have the study abroad program put more activities on for students!
51 people found this review helpful.
Response from University of Canberra

Hi Rachel,

We love Australia to! And offering the opportunity for students to come and experience our beautiful country and city is what we like to do the most here in the Study Abroad and Exchange Office. We try our best to ensure that all students will have the best all round experience, preparing students thoroughly before their arrival.

We welcome your negative feedback regarding housing. The Study Abroad and Exchange Office aims to provide students with the best experience while living in Canberra and unfortunately this is one aspect of the program which we have limited control over. As the majority of housing on campus is privately operated, the exchange office is unable to determine costs, payments and the general operation of these living options. Despite this, we continue to communicate all feedback regarding housing with each applicable residency. As seen in recent years, new and more affordable housing options are beginning to be offered on campus and this will hopefully continue as the university moves through its expansion. As you noted, for CLV residents, Globo (new apartments) offer a better living experience due to their age, cleanliness and location.

Regarding the offering of more activities, due to the size and resources of our office we try our best to ensure that exchange students are kept with a busy schedule and do so within these limitations. Throughout the semester we offer a wide range of activities which we encourage students to get involved in including a compulsory orientation week (packed with activities), orientation trip to Sydney and the Blue Mountains, surf camps, opportunities to travel to the Great Barrier Reef (offered recently) and many more social drinks and barbeque opportunities.

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