  • Thailand

Program Details

Guesthouse Hostel Hotel


Starting Price
Feb 08, 2019
Oct 23, 2016
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About Program

Sun-swept beaches, spiritual temples, smiling faces, lush tropical rainforests and tasty cooking are just a few of the wonders awaiting visitors to Thailand - but through volunteering with International Student Volunteers (ISV) you can be more than a tourist and address the needs of rural Thai communities and environments.

On ISV’s conservation projects, you could be working in rescue and rehabilitation centers for elephants, Asian black bear, gibbons and other animals. When it comes to community development, you can help tackle issues like human trafficking through providing support in centres for those at risk, or helping to maintain infrastructure and provide teaching assistance in Thai orphanages.

This exotic country has the perfect balance of culture and nature and it truly is a place that will capture your heart. For more details on how to make a difference visit ISV’s website and sign up for the experience of a lifetime.

This program is no longer offered. View more programs from ISV (International Student Volunteers).

Program Reviews

4.84 Rating
based on 93 reviews
  • 5 rating 87.1%
  • 4 rating 10.75%
  • 3 rating 1.08%
  • 2 rating 1.08%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.7
  • Support 4.8
  • Fun 4.2
  • Value 4.7
  • Safety 4.75
Showing 25 - 32 of 93 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

ISV Changed My Life

In 2009 I participated in an ISV student volunteer program in Thailand and it truly was a life changing experience. I volunteered for two weeks in a small fishing village, promoting eco-tourism by painting school buildings, teaching English to school children and adults, planting mangrove trees, and many other community development projects. Then I traveled Thailand for two weeks on a cultural adventure tour visiting the Elephant Nature Park, rock climbing, scuba diving, sea kayaking, white water rafting, jungle trekking, and more. I did more in those two weeks than I had previously done in my lifetime!

My experience in Thailand left me wanting more, inspiring me to join the Peace Corps. Five years later, I still look back fondly on my experience and continue to keep in touch with the friends, both fellow volunteers and Thai locals, that I made.

What would you improve about this program?
The cost does seem high, but it is really a bargain for how much you get to do, and they do help with financing for those who need it.
56 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

ISV Thailand Volunteer Program - Teaching English

My ISV experience was largely excellent, however there were some aspects I believed could be better. For example, the work we were sent to do in the village didn't seem to have much of an impact. We were teaching English to small children who wouldn't have remembered the lessons after we'd left. We also we painting their school, but were not given the proper supplies to do so (broken paint brushes, watered down paint, etc.) We all wished we could do something better for them, such as teaching them not to litter and cleaning up the village. My program leader and I spent a lot of our free time doing just that in the hopes that we could help. It was frustrating because we all spent upwards of $5000 on the trip and had hoped to make a lasting impact, but we weren't provided with the tools to do so. Where did our money go? The Adventure Tour part of the program was excellent though!

What would you improve about this program?
I would change the project in the village we volunteered in from teaching English to teaching proper methods of garbage disposal. Perhaps building some garbage cans to place around the village, and teaching the kids not to litter.
52 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

What an experience!

Traveling to Thailand through ISV has truly been one of the best experiences of my entire life. I was able to work with elephants everyday and explore a culture vastly different from my own. It was extremely touching to interact with the local farmers and provide much-needed help. Seeing such a different culture truly broadened my global lens and inspired me to spend my life trying to better global conditions to the best of my abilities. In addition to being extremely meaningful, the trip was also very fun! My favorite part of our daily routine was cutting down banana trees for the farmers and bringing them back for the elephants to eat. We would cool off by swimming in the river with the elephants and giving them baths! We did this every single day, and it never ceased to brighten my day. We also were able to spend 2 days exploring the local town. We visited several Buddhist temples, a war museum, a famous bridge, and many shops. Furthermore, we spent 3 days on a wildlife reservation, where the ranger helped us pick our own food and we witnessed several wild elephants entering our camp! It was incredible! I never imagined I would have this opportunity, and I am incredibly grateful that I did.

What would you improve about this program?
It would be helpful if flights were incorporated into the costs of the program.
55 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Veterinary focused volunteer abroad

This was my first big trip abroad. Traveling to Thailand and working with elephants and people from all different backgrounds was a truly amazing experience. I can't put into words how much this trip impacted my life. I tried so many new things and immersed myself in a different culture. I left Thailand completely in love with traveling, I've gone to three other countries since!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great First Trip

My trip to Thailand was my first time out of the country. The group of people that I went with I became life long friends with! It was the most influential and life changing experience. Since this first trip, I have traveled all over Europe and to Africa. It sparked the travel bug in me! One of my favorite experience from Thailand was the ceremony we did on a kayak trip we went on. Being able to go into the ocean late at night with nothing but a blow up kayak and our guide was terrifying but moving. There was nothing else that mattered in the world than where we were at that moment. It was a very freeing experience that everyone should do. It felt like this was the only thing that mattered. This is just one small thing that happened during the trip. There are more stories than I could possibly write.

What would you improve about this program?
The price of the program was the one thing I would change. it was a lot more expensive than other volunteer trips I have done
54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Mae Kok Foundation in Chiang Rai, Thailand

In this program, we stayed at the Mae Kok Foundation. It is a nonprofit organization in which children, ages 3-17, can live and grow around Christian principles and discipline. The program is established for children whose families are unable to provide proper care for their children. The ultimate goal is to produce smart young men and women with the capabilities and knowledge about how to be successful in college and the future. We played with the children and taught them English. This place was our home just like theirs for two weeks.

What would you improve about this program?
It would have been better if we would have been able to be around more of the locals to learn more about Thai culture (it was only two weeks).
60 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Baan Unrak Orphanage, Thailand

This company and programme qere absolutely fantastic. As cheesy as it sounds, it really was an experience of a lifetime. You make friends for life (which you get close to very quickly living in close proximity. .ie. learning how to use the squat toilet with trial and error was hilarious!). It was amazing to immerse yourself in the Thai culture, feel like you're really helping out and making a huge impact to the children's lives was very special and will always stay close to my heart.the adventure tour after the programme was insane and we saw Thailand in the most amazing ways! I always recommend this company to my friends when talking about my experience. You only live once everyone-go travel!

What would you improve about this program?
Slightly more affordable
57 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing!

ISV is unique in that not only do you get to volunteer and help those in another country but you also get the opportunity to have a guided tour of the country and major attractions. I travelled to Thailand with ISV and participated in the wildlife conservation program which involved living and working at an elephant sanctuary. The ISV group was amazing, our group was small (only 10 of us) and some of them became my closest friends who I am still in contact with! The program was also incredible, waking up and walking to grab coffee surrounded by elephants was a once in a lifetime experience that I consider to be the best thing I have ever done! I would highly recommend this program to anyone between the ages of 18-25 because most of the other volunteers were in this age group. Since the entire program has a full-time guide I felt safe and as though I was getting the most out of my time in Thailand. I miss being there and wish it could have lasted forever!

What would you improve about this program?
Because the trip is only 3 weeks long and half of it is spent volunteering you do not get to spend very much time exploring the country, however I don't think this could really be improved on because it was nice to get to see the entire country even if each destination was only for a day or two.
56 people found this review helpful.

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