  • Thailand

Program Details

Guesthouse Hostel Hotel


Starting Price
Feb 08, 2019
Oct 23, 2016
16 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Sun-swept beaches, spiritual temples, smiling faces, lush tropical rainforests and tasty cooking are just a few of the wonders awaiting visitors to Thailand - but through volunteering with International Student Volunteers (ISV) you can be more than a tourist and address the needs of rural Thai communities and environments.

On ISV’s conservation projects, you could be working in rescue and rehabilitation centers for elephants, Asian black bear, gibbons and other animals. When it comes to community development, you can help tackle issues like human trafficking through providing support in centres for those at risk, or helping to maintain infrastructure and provide teaching assistance in Thai orphanages.

This exotic country has the perfect balance of culture and nature and it truly is a place that will capture your heart. For more details on how to make a difference visit ISV’s website and sign up for the experience of a lifetime.

This program is no longer offered. View more programs from ISV (International Student Volunteers).

Program Reviews

4.84 Rating
based on 93 reviews
  • 5 rating 87.1%
  • 4 rating 10.75%
  • 3 rating 1.08%
  • 2 rating 1.08%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.7
  • Support 4.8
  • Fun 4.2
  • Value 4.7
  • Safety 4.75
Showing 65 - 72 of 93 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

An adventure everyone should experience

This adventure was one where you didn't know what to expect but the uncertainty of it unraveled a sense of freedom. From living in a remote wildlife conservation center in the jungle and traveling through Thailand, you were rewarded with a life changing experience. Volunteering started off being emotionally and physically painful as you had no idea what to expect. But the feeling of helping construct an area where animals could be protected and given the life they deserve was honestly the most amazing gift. Especially seeing baby bears moved from their cage into an enclosure we built for them, it was like seeing a child enter a playground for the first time.

But helping the animals was not the most important part of the trip, it was mixing with so many different people which was the highlight for me. You formed a little family who you would venture of this journey with, whether you liked it or not. Through being placed in an environment you are not familiar with and being surrounded by people you didn't know, you began to develop a tolerance to each others differences and thrived as a group; making friends you'll never forget.

52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Best Way to Travel

I volunteered at the Life Development Center in the Chiang Dao region of Thailand with my sister and 11 other group members. Not only did I get to see and experience the coolest things, but I made great friends along the way. ISV did a great job of keeping us busy and filling every moment of the day with activities. We did everything from laying cement, to hiking, to teaching English in schools, to exploring the city of Chiang Mai. It was an experience that I know I will remember for a lifetime. We slept in plywood cabins, pretty much in the jungle, and only had very cold water showers. So we lived the way people in that region live, which was really eye opening. You would never get this view and understanding of the culture in Thailand going as a tourist. ISV did an amazing job of making volunteering fun and exciting everyday.

What would you improve about this program?
I think the price of the program was a little too expensive, there were definitely some costs that I didn't think were necessary.
48 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Eyeopening Experience

This trip was one of the most rewarding things that I have done. Not only did I make some friends that I will keep for a lifetime, I have memories that will last a lifetime. The program offered the opportunity to get to know the how the people of Thailand live and what they believe in, to learn about some of the issue there are in Thailand and also provided our tour group with some varied and fantastic opportunities to travel as tourist in the country. I loved spending time in the north of Thailand, it was beautiful and relaxed but bustling and busy at the same time. The trip was very full on, which was great because I was never bored, I do recommend that you spend the few extra dollars and get the additional activity pack, it really is worth it.

What would you improve about this program?
We went to a wildlife sanctuary which was absolutely amazing, but we were so cold every night for the 2 weeks that we spent there, so I would definitely recommend despite people claiming thailand is hot, that if you are going in winter you bring a nice work jumper and a long pair of pants to sleep in.
50 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Highly Reccommended

My cousin and I spent an amazing two weeks helping at the Elephant Nature Park and at a Rural School with ISV in Thailand. The first week was jam packed with activities centered around helping the park, some of it was hard work but all extremely rewarding. The highlight was the daily washing of the Elephants, getting up close and personal was a fabulous experience. The second week we helped build the foundations of a kitchen for a rural school. I got to meet some inspiring people and look forward to going back.

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No, I don't recommend this program

Wildlife One - where are the animals?

I thought this experience was worth it because I made lasting friendships with people across North America and because I was able to travel to Thailand. I didn't know what program I was part of before going on this trip, even though the tour guide emailed our group some information, she didn't even say what the volunteer work would be like or what we would be doing. It would have been more comforting to know this information before boarding the plane.

The staff at Wildlife One were very nice but not that accommodating. We were promised mosquito nets but didn't get those until the end of the last week we were there. I would wake up with bug bites all over me. The boss didn't have a solid plan of what he was going to do with us so we helped to dig holes and fill up those same holes. We had to move trees by hand because the mote had already been dug for the island. It was just all over poor planning.

47 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

perfect summer

I loved every second about this program, from farming to teaching to painting even if it was tiring, the energy and atmosphere that you are in is incredible! its very rewarding that you can make a difference in someone's life.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Thailand Pre-vet Trip

This experience was very hands on and was an amazing vet experience. A variety of animals were available to get experience such as elephants, swamp buffalo, rabbits, dogs and cats. It was awesome to be able to work alongside the local veterinarians.

What would you improve about this program?
Making sure other programs aren't scheduled at the same time. Traveling, not so much back and forth between destinations. Also, cost I understand there are program fees but it is a rather expensive experience.
44 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thailand stole my heart

Getting to be up close and personal with rescued elephants was something I will never forget. Thailand with ISV was a life-changing experience in the best possible way and the trip exceeded my expectations. The staff was absolutely amazing and I made a lot of new friends from all over the world which was really fun.

What would you improve about this program?
The food was not very good at the Elephant Nature Park but it wasn't a big deal
47 people found this review helpful.

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